LoveOsho podcast E011 Punya

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This is one of the LoveOsho podcasts. It was recorded on 10 July 2018.

Episode E011: How Osho devised his meditation techniques
with Ma Yoga Punya
listen to the interview: or click to play in your browser.

Have you ever wondered how Osho devised Dynamic and Kundalini meditations? Punya is a long-term Osho’s disciple and attended meditation retreats conducted directly by Osho where he was experimenting with his meditation techniques before compiling them in the final format we know today. Punya also explains why not to change the meditation music wanted by Osho.
Today our guest is Punya. Punya met Osho in 1974 and spent many years living with Osho in India and Oregon. Punya was involved in a number of meditation centres centres in Italy, Switzerland and Scotland. And Punya is the founder of Osho News, a very successful online magazine.
We are going to talk about how Osho devised his famous Dynamic and Kundalini meditations, how Osho was a charismatic person yet never exerted power over people, and how Osho News came about.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:
  • Punya’s background
  • Punya's journey from Italy to India
  • How Punya met Osho
  • Punya’s first Dynamic Meditation on a beach in Mombay
  • Punya attends a 10-day meditation retreat led by Osho in Mount Abu
  • Punya explains how Osho devised Dynamic and Kundalini meditations
  • Punya explains why not to change Osho’s meditation music
  • Punya opens the first meditation centre in Italy
  • Punya’s advice on opening a meditation centre with little resources
  • Punya describes how she has been transformed by Osho
  • Punya explains how Osho seduced people into themselves and never exerted power over people
  • Punya describes how Osho helped sannyasins raise their energy by moving his hands
  • Punya recounts the story of how Osho News came about
  • Punya explains how Osho News works and why she is doing it
  • Punya talks about her book
  • Punya's morning routine
  • Punya's favourite meditation
  • Punya and Osho today

see also
Punya's website
Punya on Facebook
Osho News Online Magazine
Osho Movie
The LoveOsho podcasts