LoveOsho podcast E116 Vikrant (part 1)

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This is one of the LoveOsho podcasts. It was recorded on 8 December 2020.

Episode E116: How Osho changed modern psychology (part 1)
with Sw Anand Vikrant
listen to the interview: or click to play in your browser.

Vikrant dedicated 10 years to a research project documenting how Osho influenced contemporary psychotherapy and modern psychology. He tells the story of how the leaders of the Human Potential Movement learned from Osho and developed innovative therapy groups under Osho’s guidance. It is a systematic, accurate and evidence-based account of how most of the modern therapies practised today derive from the daring and pioneering work of the Human Potential Development therapists who were deeply impacted by Osho.
This is the first of a 4-part-series investigating how Osho transformed modern psychology. Osho hugely contributed to contemporary therapy and deeply influenced the leading therapists of the Human Potential Movement. In part one we discuss the period of time spanning from the early 70s to 1980.
Today our guest is Swami Anand Vikrant. Vikrant took sannyas in 1988 and is a counselor and psychotherapist, trained at Northern Illinois University, USA, and Osho Multiversity, Pune, India. Vikrant is a member of the Association for Humanistic Psychology, Transpersonal Psychology, and the Association for Body Psychotherapy. Vikrant is the author of 6 books and numerous articles on the awakening of consciousness and personal development. Vikrant has taught in various psychology programs including the Department of Counselling, Adult and Health Education at Northern Illinois University, USA. He is a former research consultant on Active Meditations in Sydney, Australia, and has been training therapists and facilitators in humanistic-transpersonal psychology for more than 20 years. Vikrant is the founder of the Experiential Center for Human Development and the creator of the "Returning to the Source" workshop, Biodynamic Structural Massage, and Somatic Emotional Processing.

Here is what you will learn in this episode:
  • 02.35 - How Vikrant came across Osho
  • 05.35 - Vikrant's letter exchange with Osho
  • 10.00 - What motivated Vikrant to conduct his research
  • 13.30 - The birth of the Human Potential Movement and how the leaders came to Osho in the early 70s
  • 23.20 - Osho’s appeal to the therapies and western intelligentsia
  • 29.40 - The co-founder of Esalen Richard Price meets Osho
  • 37.20 - The infamous Encounter Group
  • 40.45 - Risking and experimenting with great courage
  • 44.45 - How the therapy groups were created under Osho’s influence
  • 51.30 - Therapy and meditation
  • 59.20 - The relationship between Osho and the therapists
  • 01.07.10 - Osho and the use of psychedelics
Music and Voice by Chinmaya Dunster

see also
Vikrant’s website
Vikrant’s book in Spanish
The LoveOsho podcasts