LoveOsho podcast E127 Anugyan

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This is one of the LoveOsho podcasts. It was recorded on 23 February 2021.

Episode E127: The body is my teacher
with Sw Prem Anugyan
listen to the interview: or click to play in your browser.

Anugyan was living in London and studying to become a teacher when he came across Osho and his life took a completely different turn. Anugyan became a body therapist almost accidentally and discovered how to practice awareness by watching his body. Anugyan decided to live meditatively in the real world and bring Osho’s message to life through his work as a body healer. Today Anygyan’s school of Rebalancing is thriving making a positive impact on many people’s life.
Today our guest is Sw Prem Anugyan. Anygyan has been working as a body therapist since 1985. For 15 years Anu worked at the Osho Commune in Pune, India. He taught at the Healing Arts Academy and worked as a Rebalancer in USA, Switzerland, Italy, UK, India, Japan and Taiwan. In 2008, together with his wife, he founded the Silence of Touch Rebalancing School, which is a state-approved school for Rebalancing Bodywork since 2016.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:
  • 00.35 - How Anugyan came to know about Osho
  • 06.00 - Anugyan takes sannyas in London
  • 07.35 - The education system is broken
  • 09.30 - Meeting Osho and never going back
  • 10.40 - How Anugyan dealt with the old environment
  • 12.20 - Praying in the midst of Oxford Street in London
  • 18.20 - Becoming a body therapist
  • 25.15 - A healing journey
  • 28.00 - Bringing meditation and Osho’s vision in the real world
  • 32.00 - Integrating the inner with the outer world
  • 39.05 - Anugyan final thoughts on his journey
  • 41.05 - Osho’s greatest contribution to the world
  • 42.35 - The most beautiful gift received from Osho
  • 43.25 - Anugyan and Osho today
Music and Voice by Chinmaya Dunster

see also
Anugyan’s website
The LoveOsho podcasts