LoveOsho podcast E128 Gyana

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This is one of the LoveOsho podcasts. It was recorded on 2 March 2021.

Episode E128: Finding trust in life
with Ma Prem Gyana
listen to the interview: or click to play in your browser.

Growing up in an Osho commune, Gyana learnt the art of living in insecurity and being at ease with constant change. Gyana started walking the path of self-healing at a very young age and later became a therapist specialising in women's issues. Gyana reflects on what it means to be a woman today, what are the female qualities needed in the world and in which areas women can develop further.
Today our guest is Ma Prem Gyana. Gyana took sannyas at the age of 4 and lived as a child in an Osho commune in Germany. Later she attended the Osho school in the UK and had rich experiences in groups and therapy work early in her life. Gyana is trained in Holistic Counseling (SIAF), Essential Counseling Working with People Training with Rafia Morgan and Turiya Hanover, Trauma Work, and Rebalancing Body Therapy. In 2008 Gyana and her husband Anu founded the Silence of Touch Rebalancing School, which is a state-recognized school for rebalancing bodywork since 2016.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this episode:
  • 01.45 - How Gyana took sannyas at the age of 4
  • 04.45 - Making sense of such precocious connection with Osho
  • 06.40 - Living in the Osho commune in Hamburg as a child
  • 09.45 - The experience in the Osho Ko Hsuan school in the UK
  • 13.20 - Learning to live in insecurity and constant change
  • 16.35 - How Gyana’s passion for therapy started
  • 21.40 - Working on women’s issues
  • 25.20 - Man/Woman relationship
  • 26.30 - What Gyana learnt from Osho in her profession
  • 30.20 - Osho combines compassion and fire
  • 31.55 - Female’s positive quality and area of improvement
  • 36.40 - Reflections on what we are doing here on planet earth
  • 39.05 - Osho’s greatest contribution to the world
  • 41.00 - The most beautiful gift received from Osho
  • 41.35 - Gyana and Osho today
Music and Voice by Chinmaya Dunster

see also
Gyana’s website
The LoveOsho podcasts