A Bliss Case

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A novel. English professor turns New Age guru.
Publishers Weekly (on the back-cover):
Middle-aged Sidney Kantor, a tenured professor of English in New Jersey, abandons his family, friends and career to enter a flourishing religious cuk in India. However, Kantor (aka Anudaba) remains offstage; his escapades are relayed by the testimonies of his long-suffering Jewish mother (‘A mother doesn’t raise a child to see him prostrated on the floor in front of King Tut'), his ex-wife (‘He loved Flowers and he loved people and he loved God. He just didn’t love me’), his daughter (who joins him at his ashram) and an envious Former colleague.
Although interpretations of Kantor's behavior vary widely, each offers apparently valid insights and expands Rockland’s premise that an individual’s deepest desires and motives are mysterious to himself and to others. This first novel is distinguished by its unblinking scrutiny of both the suburban subculture that Kantor rejects and the cult that claims him, as Rockland shuns easy stereotyping in favor of keenly witty and original satire.
Michael Aaron Rockland
It is first novel by Rockland, The New York Times called it "written with a light touch and a near-perfect ear for humbug".


A Bliss Case

A novel by Michael Aaron Rockland

Year of publication : 1989
Publisher : Coffee House Press
ISBN 0918273552 (click ISBN to buy online)
Number of pages : 176
Hardcover / Paperback / Ebook : P
Edition notes :
Size : 218 x 139 x 17 mm
  • Cover back.

    Cover back.